How to Clean uPVC Windows and Doors

1 January 2014

Cleaning your uPVC window and door frames is import to help maintain and pro long their life and appearance. We recommend ensuring that they are thoroughly cleaned bi annually at least. Depending on your geographical location you may need to clean them more regularly.

There are a variety of ways you can clean up and revive your windows and doors. Cleaning them thoroughly is a great start.

What you will need:

  • A cleaner of your choice, we have a wide range available here.


Use a uPVC specific cleaning product
Use non-abrasive cloths
Use gloves if you opt for a specialised solvent based cleaner
Ensure the uPVC is wiped thoroughly clean


Use standard household products
Use harsh chemicals
Use abrasive cloths or scouring pads of any sort

Step 1: Removing any scratches

Additional items you may require depending on the condition of the windows and doors include the Konig PVC-u Repair Kit or the Konig Scratch Removal Kit.

Step 2: Replace dated or damaged hardware

Replacing dated, damaged or worn handles and fixings is a cost-effective way to revive and refresh your windows and doors without the need for costly replacements. Before doing this ensure that your windows and doors are otherwise functioning as expected and desired.


Revive your old uPVC windows and doors in these 2 easy steps:

  1. Remove any scratches.
  2. Replace dated or damaged hardware.
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